
Photo from the Mounted Wild-Earth Guardians (South Africa) ride.

Azerbaijan is situated at a crossroads between Eastern Europe and Western Asia, having borders with Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west and Iran to the south. It's eastern border is along the Caspian Sea. The Greater Caucasus Mountains extend from the capital Baku, on the banks of the Caspian Sea across the entire north of the country and into neighbouring Georgia and Russia. The Lesser Caucasus extend through the bottom part of the country, whilst the middle are extensive flatlands.


Over half the landmass comprises mountain ridges, crests and plateaus which rise to an average of 1,000m. The highest peak, Bazarduzu stands at 4,466m. These Greater Caucasus mountains protect the country from the cold air masses pushing down from Russia, and so the more southerly plains have an almost subtropical climate. There are a wide variety of ecosystems supported within these different landscapes and the flora is richer in number than in other Caucasus regions.

The national animal of Azerbaijan is the Karabakh horse from the mountain steppes, famed for its good temper, speed, intelligence and elegance. It is one of the oldest recorded breeds with ancestry dating back to the ancient world. Unfortunately today the Karabakh horse is an endangered species.

Two-thirds of Azerbaijan is rich in oil and natural gas and the country is important for oil exploration and development. Yanar Dag, translated as 'Burning Mountain' is a natural gas fire which blazes constantly on a hillside outside Baku on the Absheron Peninsula. Flames jet into the air through the porous sandstone and the site has become a popular tourist attraction.

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